Ideas for Self Care from Therapists in the UK

Self care for mental health goes beyond that expensive package for two at the local spa. In fact, self care practices are more beneficial if worked into our daily or weekly routine. A study in the US found that only 2 in 5 people make time for themselves each day. When we don’t practice self care, it’s difficult to think of ways to actually do it. Below, we outline 9 self care ideas and 6 tips to make them happen.

You’ve seen the adverts for self care products like facial masks and bubble baths, and these items may help. However, self care has taken on a whole new meaning during a pandemic. 

When our lives are suddenly flipped upside down, we use more mental energy towards adapting to adjusted routines, following new protocols, and coping with grief and loss. Such challenges often increase or lead to depression and anxiety.

You may be wondering, “Why is self care important?” 

Our bodies can only take so much, and we actually benefit more from incorporating smaller self care hacks into our daily lives rather than depending on the items in the self care box sent by post from Auntie Mary.

Keep reading to learn how self care ideas and tips can provide some relief and improve your mental health every day.


Self Care and Mental Health

When we feel like so much is out of our control, doing small things to feel more in control will increase mood and confidence. According to the Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association (IPHA), self care empowers people to manage important elements of their own lives. 

Self care theory was first developed by Dorothea Orem and was based on the concept that nurses can take better care of their patients if they take better care of themselves. Since Orem’s work, several thousands of studies have outlined self care benefits, and these practices have been incorporated into most nursing education models.

It’s good to know nurses get extensive training in self care. Just like nurses, our personal self care practices are very much in our control and some take as little as five minutes.


What are some ideas for self care?

A typical self care gift box may contain a massage gift card, bath salts, or chocolates, but these tend to be targeted at women.

The truth is, self care ideas for women and self care ideas for men don’t differ much. Many self care hacks take little time and can be accomplished at intervals throughout your day to recenter your body and mind.

Make your bed.

It’s wild how something that takes 30 seconds can make such a big difference to the start of your day. 

Drink more water.

When we get busy or distracted, we sometimes forget that we need to stay hydrated. Have two to three glasses of water first thing in the morning, and make a plan to drink a glass every few hours. Do this for just two days, and you will notice a huge difference in your mood and energy level.

Have a cup of tea.

Be it black tea or decaf herbal tea, drinking something warm provides an instant calming sensation, especially if you do nothing else while you drink your tea. Sit outside in the sun and sip.

Make a doodle.

Using pencil and paper is an excellent break from your computer screen. There are many ways to doodle, but the ones that engage the left side of your brain are the ones that require creativity and focus. The Irish Association of Creative Art Therapists (IACAT) explains that making art can aid in emotional regulation, promote resiliency, and improve coping skills. 

One way to start a doodle is to close your eyes and draw a random squiggle or shape. Open your eyes, and see what it looks like or reminds you of, and add more from there. Another option is to draw a small geometric shape using lines and dots in the center of the paper and work your way out from there with various patterns. Just go with what your mind conjures and build alternating and symmetrical geometric patterns until you reach the edge of the paper or notice a change in your mood and spirit.

Box breathing.

You’ve heard of deep breathing, but this is a little different. This method actually forces your body to feel the breath, or rather, that there is no breath. Taking a deep breath in through your nose, hold it in with your mouth and airway open — unlike you would do while swimming — then let it out slowly from your mouth. Do this three times. The first two times, hold it for five seconds, and the last time, hold it for 10 seconds. It’s like a recalibration for your brain and body.

Go to bed earlier.

Sleep is the way your brain rests. Without enough sleep, you may feel cranky, disoriented, or unfocused. Because mental acuity is so easily drained by working on a computer, the brain needs more rest. Try to get an extra two hours on two different days of the week.

Get dressed up!

When so many of us are working from home, it’s easy to stay in your pajamas and throw on a button-up zoom shirt for a team meeting. Additionally, we are so used to getting dressed up to go out, and your favorite places to meet friends may be closed. But taking time to groom, pick an outfit, fix your hair, and put on make-up is considered caring for yourself, even if it’s just to go put gas in the car or pick up a few things at the market.

Go on a drive.

Getting out of the house and away from work is a critical part of your day. Going on a drive helps stimulate your visual senses. Drive around a neighborhood in your town you have yet to see or take a scenic drive on backcountry roads.

Connect with nature.

You don’t have to plan an entire day of hiking to connect with nature. Simply go out into your yard, lay on a blanket, and stare up at the leaves of the trees. Or perhaps look for an ant or other insect and watch it go about its day. Closely inspecting grass and other plants around takes only a few moments. Research from the Dublin Business School finds that nature is rooted in our genetic biology and it is this biological programming that connects us to the natural world both physiologically and psychologically. 

All of these self care activities are incredibly simple to build into your day or week, and you will be surprised by how much of a difference they make.

There may be hundreds of self care ideas online, but sometimes it helps to talk with someone. Our therapists can provide therapy online to help you navigate life’s challenges. Book now to get started. 


6 Tips for Executing Your Self Care Plan

Now that you have some self care ideas, the most important part is actually doing them. Here are six strategies to help stick with your self care plan.

  1. Make a master self care list of self care activities that are most appropriate for your needs. For added spontaneity, cut each one into a strip of paper and fold it up, drawing randomly when it’s time to take a few moments for yourself. 

  2. To motivate yourself, find inspiring self care images that match well with your chosen activity. Chances are you will run across images that lead to even more ideas for your self care checklist.

  3. Get into a self care routine, meaning, designate at least two times during the day to practice self care. Planners are a good tool to list out your day’s tasks and sprinkle in self care time among mentally challenging work.

  4. Keep a self care journal or log with the date, time, and activity. This is a great tool to use to track improvements in mood and energy levels over time.

  5. Download a self care app such as MoodShift or HeadSpace for more ideas. Although, you may prefer to engage in self care without a technology device. In this case, find self care books with inspirational self care quotes to get you thinking and writing.

  6. Many people are motivated by competition. Team up with your spouse, partner, or friend for a self care challenge. Check in daily to discuss your successes and generate strategies towards improvement.


If it’s difficult to collect enough motivation to create a self care plan, counselling is your next step. Find therapy in Ireland by booking your first session today.


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